Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The day after......

I used to hear of people taking all of their Christmas decorations down on the day after Christmas.  I could never understand it.  Why bother in the first place?

I have come to the conclusion that they deep down are acknowledging the decadent, wasteful, carnality  of the typical American Christmas celebration, and they unknowingly need to cleanse themselves.  I have a lot of respect for these people.  They know there is a problem, but they just can't face it.  At least they can feel it.  The wrongness.

I always feel like I am in the minority in my bare bones Christmas.

*We don't have a tree.  I'm on the fence still about trees.  Will I ever figure it totally out?  Who knows!  I have a strong inclination to think on it as an idol of sorts.  If you have ever thought "it just can't be Christmas without a tree", then it might just be an idol.

*Gifts are minimal at best.  We do a family not-so-secret Santa gift exchange.  One gift per person, including children.  My husband and I also give each grandchild a gift.  We do not gift to each other, never have.  If you have ever thought "it just isn't Christmas without gifts"  then gifts might just be idols.

Are you getting the idea?

You can pretty much take any tradition and somehow make it about Christ if you really want to.  I don't want to.  Somehow I can't imagine how Black Friday Shopping is about our Messiah. 

My next statement will sound pretty strange to you based on what I have just shared:

I like Santa.  I am totally on board with childhood fantasies.  I don't think we should try and make him Christian.  He is fun! 

It's the blending of the carnal and the spiritual aspects of Christmas that I have trouble with.  The older I get the more I believe that Christmas should be more introspective, reverent, a down on your face in prayer kind of holiday. 

The tree, the piles and piles of gifts.  The excess in food and drink.  The gatherings that don't acknowledge the amazing thing God did for us.  He came for us!  He is with us!  The typical American Christmas does not reflect this. 

I still struggle at this time of year.  No tears this year, though.  I've come to terms with a lot of things in this life.  We were somewhat snowed in this Christmas Day.  Lots of  quiet.  Lots of time to think. 

What should a true celebration of our Messiah's first coming look like?

I've got a whole year to think on that.

Happy Day After!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Maine: straight up white milk

White Maine students are least likely in nation to see kids of another race at school

That was the headline in the Bangor Daily News today.

It’s little surprise that Maine — the country’s whitest state — has the country’s most racially homogeneous schools.

This was the first line of the article.  

Questions:  What does writing an article like this hope to prove?    Why is Maine the country's whitest state?  Why do public schools even exist?  

okay......I got a little carried away on that last one.  It's a well known fact that I am not in favor of public education.

Maine is a beautiful state.  Maine is mostly rural with lots and lots of trees.  Maine's biggest industry is now tourism.  Maine has lots of low paying jobs.   Maine is cold and snowy for at least six months of the year.  It gets dark at 3:30 pm in the winter.  Maine is buggy (as in mosquitoes and black flies) for another three months of the year.  Maine gets inundated with tourists for another three months of the year.  

.....am I painting a good picture of why Maine might not be on a majority of peoples lists of places to live?

We moved to Maine from New Jersey.  New Jersey is a very racially diverse state.  Maine is not.  Did that fact have anything to do with our decision to move here.  I would be lying if I said no.  When we were deciding to move away, we were looking for space, breathing room, but staying on the east coast.  We were also looking for a place that very few other people were going to.  Maine fit the bill.  Very few people want to move to a place like Maine.  Some think they do, but what they really want is a vacation.  Life in Maine is hard.  There are very few high paying careers type jobs here.  We love it here , we are making it work.  That's what you have to do to live here:  make it work, live on less, work more, or move away.  Plain and simple.  

I think I got a little long winded there! whew!  

Anyway, when we were looking for a place to live, were we aware of the fact that Maine was the "whitest" state.  Yes we were.  Just like we were aware of other places in the country that were the least "white'  .  If Maine, with all its beauty and shortcomings, just happened to be 90% racially "unwhite" would we have still moved here?  Probably not.  

So, look at it the other way.  If an "unwhite" family was looking for a new home in a new place they might also take into consideration the same things we did.  I don't see that as being racist, but I'm sure some will.

I believe that Maine is the "whitest" state because it's just darn hard to make it here. There are so many other places in this country that life is easier in.  Heck!  did I even mention the rocks?!!!   Just try and grow something here!  lol    In the almost 14 years that we have lived here I have not seen any evidence of racism.  Maine is the land of "live and let live"  Mainers can be very standoffish, but if you need something, anything, no matter who you are or what color your skin, or where you are from, they will be there for you. 

Writing articles like this without having solutions (should there even be one?)  is just plain
"looking for a fight".  Controversy at it's finest.  Should the government force some of us Mainers to move to Detroit?  At least it's still cold there!  Should the government force some native Mississippians to move to Maine?  They would surely freeze and go stir crazy!  

Last I knew this was still a free country and anyone could try and make a go of it anywhere they wanted.  (and could afford to--after all free doesn't apply to everything)

Maine: the way life should be! (once you get above Portland anyway.  )

Monday, December 4, 2017

Merry Christmas to all humanists and free thinkers!

My hometown hosts a Christmas Parade on the first Saturday in December.  It is a very BIG deal with lots of participants, floats, candy, and spectators.  Main Street is jammed with babies, older people, and everyone else in between celebrating this wonderful Christmas tradition!

The Ellsworth Chamber of Commerce and the City of Ellsworth have NOT caved to the vocal minority and re dubbed it the "Holiday Parade".  Nope.   It is still called the Ellsworth Christmas Parade.

Although the state of Maine is one of the top "unchurched" states in the United States, I don't believe that this statistic reflects a true disbelief in God.  I do still have faith that the majority of my fellow Mainers, and especially my fellow Ellsworthians still have a fear and respect of God despite the fact that they don't attend church.  I would bet my bottom dollar that a true majority of them believe in the gospel message, but don't accept it for themselves for a variety of reasons.  And that is what they must do to come before God:  accept it for themselves.  Trust Jesus for your salvation.  That is what makes a Christian a christian--a personal relationship.

As we made our way down Main Street to the toy store for a quick visit, I heard christian music being played from one of the businesses there!  Amazing!  So that is where we stayed to view the parade.

The parade contained the usual participants of military, cartoon characters, boys and girl scouts, bands,  business, floats, fire engines,  and, of course, Santa!  Over and over again people were shouting "Merry Christmas!"  There were at least three floats representing area churches.  This year, for the first time, another organized religion entered a float in the parade:  Downeast Humanists and Free thinkers.


They were quoted as saying that they wanted to be represented in the community in what they referred to as the "Holiday" Parade.


So, hey!  It's a free country, right?

On the side of their float was a sign that said "Happy Winter Solstice."  Pretty harmless.  After all, I do believe that there is a shortest day in the year.  But here is the deal people:

It's the Ellsworth Christmas Parade
not the "Winter" parade
not the "Holiday" parade
not the "solstice" parade.


but.....for how long?   They are a small group of sad looking older folk, but in my experience as an American lately it seems the small minority has the loudest voice.


They were handing out bookmarks with candy attached (of course)  Written on these was :
                     The Axial tilt is the reason for the seasons.

Are you kidding me?

Okay humanists and free thinkers everywhere...........


We give glory to God, creator of heaven and earth for designing and creating this wonderful system--the earth being hung perfectly in space to provide the conditions necessary for mankind to thrive here.

Can I get an Amen?!!!

I feel sorry for humanists and free thinkers.  They have so much to learn.  Their eyes need to be opened to their need for God.  They must have a massive amount of unanswered questions about themselves and the world they live in.  The "whys" can be overwhelming for a christian, can you imagine the pressure of taking it all on yourself, only believing in yourself?

Earlier I referred to the humanists and free thinkers as an organized religion.
 Humanism is a religion, and Satan is it's god.  We must pray for their salvation and the wisdom and patience and love necessary for us to live alongside them in this world, in our communities.

Being a church goer will not impress the world.....or God.  So statistics are meaningless.  Shining Christ's light and love onto those around us............Now that will be impressive!

Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Empty Nest Thanksgiving

Every day is a great day to give thanks to God!

But alas!  There is a holiday for this!

I'm thinking that this is our seventh year of being alone on Thanksgiving Day.  I think that we may have gone to MA somewhere in there since our youngest was married, but...pretty much we have been alone......

....Weird to say "alone" because we aren't alone.  We have each other.  And for that I am grateful.

Thanksgiving used to be my favorite holiday.  I have always struggled with Christmas.  But Thanksgiving was a holiday I could be thankful for.  hehehehe

Coming from a disjointed (I will leave it at that) family, holidays were always difficult for me.  But eventually I had my husband and my children around me. With homeschooling being our lifestyle, the time surrounding Thanksgiving was filled with interesting lessons and projects and the teaching of the "whys" of the day.

But things change and you have to go along with it.  At least on the outside.  The inside takes quite a while.  First the sons grew up and married.  The traditions and celebrations of their spouses families overtook our small celebration in this new home where we had no other family.   Then the daughter grew up and married.  Again, the traditions and celebrations of her husband's family won out over ours. 

We tried for a bit to "fit" ourselves into this new Thanksgiving.  The bits and pieces. Feeling like I would just take any little bit that was left over.  But that didn't make me happy.  We tried going away to a family celebration, but we just wanted to be home for the holiday.

We had to make the decision to open our hands and let go.  I would be lying if I said that this empty nest Thanksgiving was a piece of cake.  It's not.  But we are learning how to cope.  Maybe even learning how to embrace it.  I know it's mostly me, but what affects me, affects my other half.

Last year was the first year that I got through the holiday without breaking down.  We had a big project to work on (chicken pen).  So we worked hard all day while the dinner cooked, then sat down and ate together.  Grateful to be together and to have accomplished something that day.

This year we have another full day of projects planned.  The turkey is already cooked, so just some sides and a pie to be prepared.  I think we have adjusted to this holiday being "just us"  The struggle is still there.  My heart gets weird tugs through the day.  And yes, I still break down and cry a little when I see the pics posted on social media of my family.  Each one of my families sitting around a big table celebrating.  On one hand I'm happy that my children and grandchildren have that.  On the other hand I'm sad that I still don't.  But it's only for Thanksgiving, I know.

I often wonder why it has worked out this way.  I'm always looking for learning experiences in everything.  I know that if I pushed hard enough and my wheel was squeaky enough, I could force my wants on other people.  But I don't and I won't.

I guess the lesson is to let go........and be okay with that.

When it comes to Thanksgiving I can either sink or swim.  I've almost sank a few times, but now I'm swimming like a madman.....

after all.........I need to burn lots of calories to justify that pie!

p.s.  and we get all of the pie for ourselves!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Prayerful insights

I've been studying a book:  Prayer by Philip Yancey.
This is probably the 4th or 5th time that I have gone through this book.
It never gets old.
These human reminders of why?  how?
So many great stories, examples, little tidbits, and quotes.
I love it and recommend it!

Right now I'm in the chapter about unanswered prayer.
It's probably the most difficult topic surrounding prayer.
A few of the notes I jotted down:

*pray for companionship, not petition.  God knows.
*God's ways are not our ways.
*prayer changes us, not God.

So, my thoughts are that we just have to trust..........but it was still confusing, even unsettling at times.
Then last night I received a text asking me to pray for a young mother who has received a cancer diagnosis.  And at that moment a thought entered my mind....

            When we pray for healing, our prayer is ALWAYS answered!

God spoke this to me!  I heard this thought and began to explore it using everything I know to be true about God and His promises. 

This world is not our home.  This life is the journey, not the destination.  These are two truths that I cling to!

So if we suffer a serious illness or accident, and prayers for healing are sent up and our earthly bodies die anyway;  OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!  We are home!  Completely healed!

And if we recover and our earthly bodies live on, Our prayers have also been answered!  We continue our journey!

It's hard to see and understand things from God's perspective.  We aren't meant to.  We need to trust in His perfect plans. 

But there is a peace in KNOWING  that God does answer prayers.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

The 30 day challenge

It's hard to believe that I have not blogged for a few months.  Such is my life, so busy and full, but I am feeling the need to empty my thoughts more.  That is why I have this blog.  Oh, and the other reason is that I am an introvert and still feel the need to communicate!

On September 1st I began a 30 day exercise challenge.  Since I injured my achilles a year and a half ago I have become somewhat lazy on that front.  I set out to walk outdoors or on the elliptical machine for a minimum of 20 per day.

Well, the results are in!  Out of the 30 days I ended up with 24 completed and 6 that I did not walk.  The majority of the failed days were in the last week or so as I caught a head cold and used it as an excuse.

I discovered from my efforts this past month that I am a total procrastinator (I already knew that) and most days I walked on the elliptical between 7 and 8 pm!  There were a few things that I liked about exercising that late in the day.  I kept the room dark and listened to music with my headphones.  It was kind of nice.  I also probably burned off some of my dinner calories.

However, my mind still says that I should go for walks outdoors as much as possible--in the fresh air and sunshine.

When I set out in the beginning of September I had a few people ask if I was going to count steps, as fit bitting is now all the rage.  I do not count steps.  I do see the advantage of it in that it reminds people to move more and sit less.  But what I am after are the benefits of bumping my heart rate up for 20 + minutes at a time.

October is a beautiful month to get out and walk before winter sets in.  Who wants to join me?

Friday, June 30, 2017

The truth about long marriages

This post could also be entitled

"How to stay married when you are both sinners saved by grace"

We have been married for 34 years.  We have known each other for 39 years.

It's a long time!

We just passed our anniversary a week ago.  On social media I posted a picture of us with the title
"neither one has gone missing yet"   My husband shared the picture and wrote "another happy year of marriage".

.......neither one of these comments were portraying the truth about our marriage.   That bothers me.  I read too many blogs, and too many social media posts that set the bar far too high.  If only you follow these 5 easy steps, then you too can have the marriage of your dreams!  Ha!

So many marriages don't make it.  I think they don't make it for a variety of reasons.  I will address at least two here.

1.  God is not the center.  Now I'm not even going to pretend that I'm speaking to the entire population here.  As a Christian, I'm going to speak as a Christian.  If you don't acknowledge the fact that God owns your marriage, that what He wants and desires from us is supreme over what we want, then you are doomed to fail.

2.  Selfishness.  If one or the other has a selfish streak, then there is bound to be trouble.  If both have one, then you are doomed to fail.

I can only speak for myself.  I want to be honest because I think that there are a ton and a half of people that need to hear this message.  Marriage is hard.  Marriage is not all fun and games.  Marriage has a purpose.  My opinion is that if you are in a marriage that is over the top happy, happy, joy, joy, all of the time........then you are hiding something.  yes!  You are!  You have settled and you don't feel passionately about your life.

I love my husband and he loves me.  We struggle, a lot!  We are both sinners, saved by grace.  We are trying to live out our lives according to God's will, not our own.  We have a good life and if we had to weigh it out on a set of scales, the happy would win.  But there would still be an abundance of sad.
We will be learning how to make this work until the day we die.  We know that and we accept the challenge.

Having the love of Jesus in our hearts does not shield us from marriage troubles.  But it does help keep us centered when all around us it's storming.  I heard a song this morning; Let it Rain and the words said "just because it's pouring down doesn't mean we're gonna drown...let it rain"  Sometimes you have to fight and cry and pray your way through the stormy stuff.  Wait it out.  Another song line I heard says "a bitter heart turns the love we made to ashes"

We aren't perfect and our marriage is not perfect (far from it)  But God is perfect and God trusted us with the relationship, this family, this life.  God knows best and we won't question Him.

Each day is a new chance to try harder.  Yeah, I used to believe that.

It's better to believe that each moment is a new chance to try harder.

Put God first and your spouse second.  That's the only advice I can give.

Monday, June 26, 2017


For thirteen years we lived in semi-rural western New Jersey.  I say "semi-rural" because we lived in a town of about 18,000 in a neighborhood of 1950's tract houses on tiny lots.  Not as tiny as the lot I grew up on right outside of NYC, but small nonetheless.

We were surrounded by fields.  Soybean fields and corn fields.  When you drove along those country roads this time of year the air was sweet with the scent of the wild honeysuckle.  It is one of my favorite scent memories.  The honeysuckle just grew wild all along the road sides.  I haven't yet seen it here in Maine, but I live in the woods, not near any fields.

Here is a photo I found online of wild honeysuckle

When we moved to Maine and bought this house, there was a trellis on the front of the house with a honeysuckle planted in front of it.  That first summer it really didn't do much, and it had no scent.  And since I didn't like the idea of a trellis on the front of the house, we took the honeysuckle out and I walked a ways into the woods and just threw it!  

Fast forward thirteen years.  We have done a lot of tree clearing to build a yard, a garage, and a garden.  Just a few years ago we cut down more trees to give the garden more sun.  And bam!!!

This grew

Right where I threw it.  It must have grown a bit each year in the shade, but once the full sun came along it just took off.  This year it is even beginning to cling to the big rock.  I'm not sure if I will at some point regret leaving this here, but it is pretty although it is scentless.

I think I will add REAL honeysuckle to my list of plants to get for my yard.  I wonder if it will grown here?

Friday, June 23, 2017

The rainbow

Genesis chapter 9.....

.....there is so much in this chapter!
but I wanted to concentrate on v 12-17.....the rainbow passage.

For believers, the rainbow has always been a sign of God's covenant--God's promise to us.
He would never destroy us for our sins.  He would send a savior.

And in this chapter, in Genesis, He points us to Christ.  The shedding of blood.  Jesus' blood was shed for us. To save us.

It's all connected. From the first line of Genesis to the last line of Revelation.

It's a story.  A story that was in the making for thousands of years.

God promises and we wait on those promises.

.......so, the rainbow.

It is a reminder to us that we must wait on God's promises.

No matter who uses the rainbow image or for what cause, there is no need to worry......

God's got this.....that is the message of the rainbow.

The message is not to condone, accept, participate, or even ignore.

The message of the rainbow is to take comfort and wait.........

He promised.

Monday, June 19, 2017

A letter to my mom

I feel like I've let too much time pass without writing this.  I have heard that your eyesight is bad, so I know someone else will read this to you.

I've thought about calling you, but I can't put myself through all of that emotional upheaval again.  When we tried to work this out a few years ago, I came to see that it was all one sided.  When I stopped calling you--that was it.  I heard God's voice telling me to just let it be.

I just wanted to let you know that I think about you every day.  I pray for you every day too.  I'm sorry that Judy is gone.  I'm sorry that she hated me so much.  I'm sorry that no one ever understood why I moved away and I'm sorry that it felt like abandonment to you.

God called us here.  I'm sure of it.  Our future was waiting for us here.  Our future and our children's futures.  They are all happily married now to good Christian people; which is an answer to a lifetime of prayers.  And now we are in the midst of welcoming and helping to raise our grandchildren.  This summer we will have eight!  Seven grandsons and one granddaughter.  Each one is a blessing and I am honored to be a part of their lives.

It makes me sad that you are not part of this.  I know that my world is so foreign to you.  That's okay.

I am here if you ever decide to call and truly want to be a part of this.  If not, that is also okay.

God is guiding me and seeing me through.  I will always pray for you to find Him and the peace and joy that only He can give.

With love,

Your daughter,


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Cinnamon Sugar Cow

This cow was originally a creamer.  There is a spout in the front and a hole behind the cow head.  It belonged to my mother.  When my oldest son was about two years old, he decided that he could put a straw in the hole and drink the milk.  Ever since that day, the cow no longer belonged to my mother!

My son adopted this cow creamer as his "special cup"  He took it home and used it for quite a long time.  Eventually he found another "special cup" and we found another use for the cow creamer.

One day I was looking for something to mix up cinnamon sugar in and also dispense it onto my son's toast.  Perfect!  The cow creamer has been used for that purpose ever since.

I can't possibly put the cinnamon sugar in anything else because then no one will be able to find it.
After all it's been in the cow creamer since 1986!

And this morning I used it to make cinnamon rolls for my husband.  It's kind of special that the grandchildren will now grow up with the Cinnamon Sugar Cow!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The clothesline

I have used a clothesline (aka solar dryer)  for my entire 57 years.  Well, my mom used it early on and then when I married and lived in a few places, I've always had access to a clothesline.

Using a clothesline is a lot more work than throwing the clothes into the dryer.  It also fades the clothes a bit (the dryer makes them loose fibers), not to mention the rough towels.

But the clothesline saves us LOTS of money every year.  In the winter I use it sometimes but mostly I use a drying rack and a wood stove.

It also satisfies my inner OCD.  I like to organize the clothes and hang them "just so"

Since I live in the country, the clothes just smell like fresh air.  Sometimes they may harbor an insect or two if I don't give them a good shake when I take them down.

There is just something about seeing a clothesline full of clean laundry swaying in the breeze.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Anniversary of our escape

Thirteen years ago we did what so many people wish they could do.

We ran away.

From everyone and everything we knew.

My husband quit his job with UPS.

We sold our house.

And we left.

Well, it wasn't that simple!  It was five years in the planning and dreaming and scheming.

Once we decided that we wanted to change our life, we had to decide where we would go.

We decided that we wanted to stay in the northeast, preferably by the sea, so we decided

on the state of Maine.

After spending a few years exploring Maine, we settled on a small town downeast near the


On our trip up to work with a realtor in 2004 we found our home!

Our little house (dbl wide ranch) in the BIG woods!

The day we moved in I had a brief moment of "of my, what did we do?"  but it quickly passed.

Our house was all alone on a dirt road surrounded by hundreds of acres of woods.  Coming from

our 1/5 acre lot in a subdivision was quite the shock.

Thirteen years later the portion of road in front of our house is paved (my car is happy!)  and we have

a few neighbors (i feel much safer)

But the hundreds of acres of woods is still right outside my door to explore.  It's quiet.  It's calming.

And I can do what I want without the "audience"

We moved here without jobs and with teenagers.  We knew no one.

Thirteen years later our family is grown and married and we have almost 8 grandchildren!  Our

children LOVE Maine and live nearby.  Everyone is successful.  God is GREAT!

We obviously came here with resources ($ to buy our home from the sale of our home)  so we didn't

have to work as hard.  My husband and I have mostly worked part time for the years we have been

here.  Our wants and needs are simple so we keep our cost of living low.

It's not an "easy" life living here in northern New England, but it's a wonderful life.

And we've never regretted escaping from the rat race!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


How did we get here?
To this place and time
Where virtual takes the place of actual.

It started with the first televisions sets.
Families began to sit around it and stare at the screen.
They were deceived into believing that they were "spending time together"
But they weren't looking at each other, and they weren't interacting with each other.
They were taken away.  They were somewhere else.  With other people.

Satan used the technology to destroy the family.....and he's done a great job!

A baby girl sits on the floor and cries for attention. Mom and Dad are scrolling away on their smart phones while the tv blabs on in the background. Heaven forbid they miss a thing.  Too bad they are missing EVERYTHING. They are missing the point of life!

Little ones play at the park, families sit down to a meal, couples sit in a coffee shop, and they stare at the screens. Even church is not off limits.

When did we lose our minds?  Why do we do this?  Throw life away, throw precious time away?  Miss out on so much? Let relationships fall apart so that we don't miss out on what's happening on screens???!!!

Brain ROT
Soul ROT
Creativity ROT
Knowledge ROT
Relationship ROT
Family ROT


Satan is happy......he loves ROT

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


When will people realize that the person most deserving of their undivided attention, is the person that is physically right in front of them?

Everyone wants to believe that "screen addiction" is a modern problem.  I say that they (everyone who thinks that) is wrong.  When the television was invented and brought into our homes--that was the beginning of screen addiction.

I grew up in a home with one television. That was one too many. Some people grow up with several televisions-- this is the beginning of screen addiction.

When we choose to look at a screen and invest ourselves in the content there, and choose THAT over a conversation with someone right in front of us.....that is screen addiction.

Screen addiction is a very personal topic for me to discuss. Television, video, screens, etc have been responsible for the most unhappy times in my life. I can never be free of  the television  Evidently it is a permanent part of our life.  This is a struggle for me.  Most days I want to grab the shotgun and send that black box to kingdom come!

It is also a struggle for me to accept that my interests, stories, ideas, and dreams are not quite as riveting as those on the 24 hour news cycle. Maybe if I dyed my hair blonde and sat on the sofa while wearing a really short skirt showing lots of leg.....maybe then my story about tomatoes would be just as riveting?

.....ain't gonna happen.....

I am living a life in which I am trying to find solutions to the ills of the world.  Trying to protect myself, my home, and my family. This is so much more worthwhile an endeavor than living  life as a spectator watching all of the horrors and controversies of the world played out on a little screen. What does this accomplish?  What does this enable you to do?

Maybe you can converse about health care, walls, Comey, and nuclear bombs......

But I can grow tomatoes and potentially feed myself.

Which sounds like a better option to you?

Eh, when will I learn?

Is there a 12 step program for screen addiction?

We could sure use one around here.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Seed Starting Success!

Although I've been gardening since 1991 when we bought our first home, gardening in the state of Maine has been quite a challenge for me.  The environment:  short growing season, rocks & boulders, trees & stumps, no soil, cooler temperatures.  I have had more disappointing seasons than successful ones.  Some of the disappointments have been the result of my trying to garden here like I did in New Jersey (the garden state), my lack of consistent enough watering in raised beds, and my lack of commitment to building soil myself.  This year I decided that I was going to try harder and I was going to give it my all to have a successful season.  However I know that some things can and will be out of my hands (weather)

One of my goals for this year was to start seeds indoors so that I could spend less and get more.  That being said, starting seeds and growing seedlings that have a fighting chance of making it does require some initial and ongoing investment.

First up was deciding what kind of set up I wanted to have.  My seed starting nursery had to be in my dining room, and I have a cat.  Those two facts were considered in my design decision.  I know a lot of people buy shelving units for this purpose but it just didn't seem to fit with what I had in mind.
So I asked my husband to build an open sided box with a perforated plywood top that could sit on top of a spare table we already have.  The size was determined by what and how much I planned to start from seed.

This is  a picture of my husband (the builder) and his assistant (angel kitty) with the finished basic structure

The materials that he used were: 1/4 sheet plywood, 1 (8ft) 2x3 for the legs, 4 (8ft) 1x3, and screws

He drilled holes all over the plywood top for air flow and the bottom board is up a little from the bottom so air can flow under.  We purchased clear plastic shower liners and cut them and attached them with velcro circles to the sides.  The reason for this was two -fold:  the kitty and it is still cold here in Maine in March/April.  The liner was easily raised for watering and for additional ventilation.
We hung two 48 inch fluorescent shop lights and we were ready to go!

After a trip to Walmart for organic seed starting mix and those trays with the cell packs, plus a couple of packages of jiffy pots and I was ready to start planting.  My seeds I purchased from Pinetree Garden Seeds here in Maine.

I had learned from watching a ton of youtube channels that you should dump the potting mix in a tote and wet it until it held together, then spread it into your cell packs and pack it down.  Once that was done I got down to the tedious business of planting the seeds.

I used a pencil to make the planting hole and pop sticks to mark them.  I also wrote down lots of info in  my gardening journal.  I planted 24 cells of Roma Tomatoes and I ended up with 22 seedlings!!!

Just in case you are curious this is a list of what I planted:

brocolli, collards, kale, roma tomato, lettuce, arugula, chard, basil, calendula, marigold, zinnia, statice, feverfew, squash, pumpkin, sunflower, zucchini, & cucumber

Everything germinated except for one type of lettuce ( I tried twice so I'm going to e-mail the company).  Everything grew and everything is now outside!!!!  so exciting!!!

I kept the clear dome lids on until they germinated and then lowered the lights and turned them on.  I actually put the lights on a timer to go on at 6 a.m. and off at 10 p.m.  The plants thrived!

The cool weather things (greens)  were able to go outside in 4 weeks, so that is when I repotted the tomatoes and the basil.

I transplanted all of the greens to a bed with a cover for a few weeks.  I planted them close together and now I am in the process of transplanting them around the garden.

I really feel that my first experience with seed starting was a success.  I will be able to use the set up we came up with for years.  I even have plans to build up onto it and plant more next year!

Here are a few basic things I did (that I learned from others on the internet) that I believe made my endeavor a success:

1.  prewater the potting mix--it holds the water better
2.  I didn't have heat pads (expensive!)  so for the first week I ran my space heater nearby.  I think it worked because all of the seeds germinated in under 5 days.
3.  once the seeds germinate take the plastic dome off.
4.  water seeds with a water bottle on mist and keep moist
5.  once sprouted water from the bottom--add water to the tray
6.  some algae growth on the soil is normal--increase ventilation and keep the surface of the soil "scratched"  I used a plastic fork, so that it doesn't repel water.

**It was easy for me to keep a constant eye on my plants because they were right in my dining room.  I recommend that you put your set up where you can pay attention to the seedlings and catch any issues immediately.

**I think my expenses to start these seeds was about $250 including the seeds (I have leftovers to plant directly outside also).  Obviously the seeds and the cell packs and potting soil are consumable so will be an expense each year.

**I hope some of this information is helpful to other newbies like me!

"bleep" or get off the pot!

Okay, okay, okay!
That title is a little harsh,
but it's how i'm thinking this morning!

This blog just keeps on going.................
I think about it every day.

Thirteen years now.
What direction do I want it to go in?

Do I want to put ads on and grow my followers and make a little money?

I'm not sure.  Sometimes I can be a bit opinionated!!!

Do I want to be honest?  informative?   inspirational?  helpful?   creative?  

All of the above?

...................I think I just found my answer.

It's time to get serious.

Or as the title of this blog insinuates..........


Not that blogging is a race.....I would love to get better about it.  I'm just so all over the place most of the time.  It's time to sit and think and write.

Let's get going!

Saturday, May 6, 2017


"In this wasteland, where I'm living, there's a crack in the door filled with light.
And it's all that I need to get by."    (Needtobreathe)

Look up this song on youtube.  it's good.

Those two lines above are so filled with hope.

This world is temporary.
Heaven is eternal.

And it's right there.
God is right here.
With us.

There is a reason for all of this.
And the older I get, the clearer it becomes.

"All of these people I meet seem like they're fine........."

Knowing what I know,
Knowing what is truth,
We are all on the same team.
We need to look past the masks.
The way I feel.
The fears I have.
I need to see it in others.
Then I can have compassion.
Then I can feel free to share what I know to be true.

God is for us....not against us.

Our hope shines through that crack in the door and it is our job to point that out.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Unlocking treasures

God's Word

It has the power to save.
The power to convict.
The power to guide.
The power to teach.
The power to comfort.

The power to make sense out of life.

No one can just pick up the Bible and totally understand it.  We believe, then we trust in God's word.
The understanding takes time.  It takes immersion in the word every day.

Salvation is individual. personal.

But unlocking the treasures of God's word and understanding the seemingly un-understandable takes time.
It takes fellowshipping
It takes being willing to learn, a willing heart.
It takes patience and trust.

I promise it will all make sense one day.
A bit here, a bit there.
Those questions that non-believers ask about some Old Testament stuff.
One day you will see more clearly and have an answer.

The basics of the nature of God.
What a holy God requires from His people.
How to walk in the light.
These are the things to learn first.

So many questions.
Sometimes it doesn't make sense.  It doesn't "fit" with the world.

At some point in the future you will step back and see a glimpse of the whole picture....
and you will still trust.

Until one day it all becomes crystal clear and we see Jesus face to face.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Hold Us Together

What holds us together?.................love does

A married couple?   love
a friendship?     love
a family?     love
a neighborhood?    love
a community?   love
a church?     love
a country?    love
THE WORLD?   love

get the picture?

The opposite of love is hate.
There is an area in between.
It's called indifference.
who cares?........
Am I right?


If you hate or if you are indifferent
then you can't hold anything together.

Love isn't the glue all slopped on everything making stuff stick.
Love is the center and we all spiral around it.
If you don't love then you are lost and you go flying off into space....so to speak.

What is the love at the center?
What is this force that holds us together?

It's God.

Because we believe
Because we choose
We are irrisistably drawn to His love.
It flows through us and into the world.

This is what holds us together.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


These are a few of my favorite granola recipes!

Chocolate Granola

3 cups old fashioned oats
1 cup sliced almonds
3/4 cup coconut (sweetened or unsweetened)
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup sugar
*mix these all together in a large bowl

2/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
1 tsp. vanilla extract
*melt the oil and whisk in syrup and vanilla
*pour over the dry and mix well to coat
*line a large baking sheet with parchment
*spread mixture evenly over it
*oven at about 250  for 40 minutes, give a little stir halfway through
*leave it to cool on counter without mixing-it should harden as it cools
*you may sprinkle chocolate chips over the top when it comes out of the oven!

(this is very sweet and good for a dessert sprinkle over plain yogurt)

Maple Walnut Granola

3 cups old fashioned oats
1 cup chopped walnuts
*mix together in a large bowl

1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup maple syrup
2 Tbs. honey
1/2 tsp. vanilla
*melt the oil and stir in the rest
*pour over the dry ingredients and mix well
*spread over parchment lined sheet pan
*oven at 300 for 25 minutes.  give a little stir halfway through
*will crisp when cool.

Peanut Butter Granola

5 cups old fashioned oats
*place in a large bowl

1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla
*melt and mix together
*pour over the oats and mix well
*spread on parchment lined sheet pan
*oven at 275 for 40 minutes stir halfway through
*crisps as it cools

****these recipes have been gathered from different places.  some have been adjusted to my liking or experience.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Dear Little Sister

dear little sister,

you are gone.
there is no time left to fix what was broken.

even when you were still here
pride kept ears shut and hearts hardened.

i'm sorry.
i'm sorry i didn't try harder.

once i was strong enough, secure enough, confident enough....
it was too late.

it became a God thing.
i love God more than anything or anyone.....
including family.

this is the power that drove me away.
i was being called to something different.
something great.
something that is the opposite of the world.
something the world hates.

i thought i spoke the truth in love.
i made mistakes.
i always do and i always will.
but forgiveness was not to be.

forgiveness is impossible
in a pride filled world.

i wish our lives could have been different.

i wish that i could have been an influence for good in your life.

but i went a way that you didn't want to go.
i'm so sorry for that.

i prayed for you every single day.

it feels weird to not pray for you anymore.

it's been hard to write this in so many ways.
one way is me having to speak guardedly

because my words will be turned into weapons.

which is not my intention.

you were my little sister for so long.
we shared a history
that you chose to re-write.

a history that i set out to make a distant memory
to change the results of
to change the direction of
to move on from.

this is hard.....

because this letter is not for the dead.......

................................but for the living.

with love,

your sister,


 karen, liz, judy
karen, bob, judy 
 judy, karen
bill, judy, karen

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Too much

This world is full of too much.
Too much of the wrong things and not enough of the right things.

Too much noise, and not enough quiet.

Too much chaos and confusion, and not enough calm.

Too much feast, and not enough famine.

Too much bad, and not enough good.

Too much lying, and not enough truth.

Too much running about, and not enough standing still.

Too much "virtual" , and not enough real

Too much news, and not enough solutions.

Too much indoors, and not enough outdoors

Too many opinions, and not enough understanding.

Too many vain strivings, and not enough selfless serving.

Too much apathy, and not enough empathy.

Too much mouth, and not enough hands.

Too much hate, and not enough love.

It is all too much

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Immigration as I see it

We read in James 2 that we should not favor some people over others.

That by discriminating we are judging based on evil motives.

We are told to love our neighbor.

Everyone is our neighbor.

We are told to be merciful unto others.

We read in Matthew 5:43-48 that we are to love our enemies.

We are to pray for those who persecute us.


The immigration dilemma is an immense issue.

Today I will only share my opinion on the immigration of refugees from the seven countries listed as terrorist hotbeds.

By the way, these seven countries just happen to be muslim majority countries.

These seven countries have not only openly expressed hostility towards the United States, but they have acted out on these hostile feelings.

I support President Trump's suspension of entry into the United States of people from these countries.
I believe that his plan gives our country a bit more time to figure out how to get the most needy (families) here, and to have a plan in place for assimilation into our country.

As Christians we have a duty to help.

But as Christians we also have a responsibility to ensure that we make the wisest decisions possible.

God cares about nationalism.  He scattered the people at Babel by confusing their language.  He knew that it wasn't a good thing to have one big global nation state.

God created borders.  God created the nation of Israel.

Acts 17:26

God is in control.

We are told that in order for us to have a secure, protected, and economically sound nation we must

We are told to welcome strangers, but we are also instructed not to be influenced by them, not to serve their gods, not to sin against OUR God.

If they are to come here we must be very careful.  Therefore the extreme vetting and assimilation are very necessary.

fact:  muslims worship allah--a false god

         Christians worship the one true God.  The God of the Bible.  The creator of Heaven and Earth.

America has always been that shining city on a hill that people have come to from all over the world.

They came here to be AMERICAN.

What it means to "be American" seems to be changing over the past few years.

Moving forward and improving, learning & correcting our path has taken a rather frightening turn for the worse.

But the basic American values and pride are still here.  We can't let it slip away and be watered down and changed by unfettered immigration.

If you want to come to America, then come legally and EMBRACE being an American.

Number one rule:     Obey our laws--come here legally

Number two rule:     Respect our religious freedom

Number three rule:   Learn to speak English

Monday, February 13, 2017

Stop the World! I Want to get OFF!!!

Ok. I may say some things that you won't agree with.  Don't worry.

You will get over it.  I promise!

I'm Christian......I'm conservative.......I'm pro-home school.......I'm pro-life..........I support traditional marriage only........I am not a feminist.

Have I ticked you off yet?   I'm not done.

I'm white.......some say that makes me "privileged"

I grew up in a lower middle class family.  We weren't poor because my parents worked hard to provide.

I married and we raised our family in a lower middle class environment. I was a stay at home mom and my husband had the "privilege" of busting his butt as a UPS driver to provide for his family.

Now we are grandparents and our main concern in life is how to shelter, protect, and teach this next generation how to survive in a world where UP is DOWN.

I've got to tell you....the 'world' scares the @&$# out of me.  I'm finding it hard to focus on the important stuff because of all the voices and opinions I am bombarded with on a daily basis.

I want to go through my days with no outside interference. Cleaned up my facebook. Unfollowed everything. There is nothing in my feed. Facebook thinks I've gone mad. I can be 'friends' but not have to read everything unless I want to.  I wear earplugs A LOT! That darned news can be on, but I don't have to let it invade my peace.

Do I want to bury my head in the sand?

Why yes, yes I do!

I only want to focus on the good stuff and pray about the rest

Yep....putting the blinders on and the world can carry on without me!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Word Keeping

I think I've written before about my notebook addiction.
However, it's more than an addiction.

It is a randomly efficient and simple way for me to keep track of all of those words out there floating in and out of my life.

These words are important to many different areas and aspects of my life.

I corral and organize them (somewhat) into notebooks!

I use simple, cheap composition notebooks found at Walmart for 99c (or less) 

These notebooks hold my thoughts, ideas, scripture, wisdom, RANTS, recipes, just about everything.  obviously I have very little usable space in my head.

I take those plain notebooks and make them fancy (fancy by my standards)
I cut card stock to fit on the front cover, glue it down, edge with clear package tape or fancy duct tape if I have it, and slap on a label.  

These are my current notebooks:

journal:  weather, random daily notes, rants, complaints, praises, happy, notes to my grand babies.

bible study & prayer journal:  I write out scripture-it helps me to focus on what I'm reading.

food diary:  what I eat and what I might want to eat!

gardening:  journaling, planning, assessing

homesteading:  chicken notes and other outdoor plans

projects & ideas:  planning notes for birthdays, events, indoor projects, crafting, sewing.  I keep this one nearby when I'm on pinterest.

blog:  ideas, outlines, rough drafts

things to do locally idea book--I also write down things we've done or gone and notes about them.

gifts:  as in 1,000.  When I can remember to write stuff down, this is where it goes.  I started it a couple years ago when I read the book.  I'm up to 223!

trips:  I used this journal when we went on a cruise a few years ago.  If I ever go on another real vacation (I live in vacationland)  then I will take it along!

these two on top are covered in calendar pages I saved!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Pantry master list part 3

.....or.......what I generally keep in my pantry.

It took me quite a long time to come up with a plan for what food items I wanted to keep in my pantry.  Every family and every situation is different.  My master list has changed over the years to reflect changes in our diet and the likes of just the two of us now that we are alone.

Remember:  these items are for emergency situations and for when our situation dictates the need to be flexible in our shopping.  The majority of items are the parts and pieces to make a complete meal.

Beans--I keep canned beans.  I found that I didn't like to cook with the dry beans.  Dry beans are a good option if your family eats a lot of bean based meals, we don't.  So canned it is!
I keep pinto, black, kidney, white, refried, porknbeans, and chick peas.

Vegetables--creamed corn, corn, peas, green beans.  On a daily basis we eat fresh, raw veggies, but the canned ones are a secondary option.

Soups--stocks & broths for soup making, cream soups such as mushroom, celery, chicken & cheese are used in casseroles and skillet meals.
chicken noodle, tomato, and a few other condensed soups are kept on hand also.

Sweet potatoes
Pasta sauce
diced tomatoes, whole tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce
canned pasta meals
Pasta--spaghetti, rotini, elbows, egg noodles
mac & cheese
stuffing mix
rice-long grain white, brown (small amount), yellow, prepared rice sides
instant mash potato
corn muffin mix
cornmeal (small amount)
powder creamer, evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, powdered milk
canned fruit
sugar, white, brown, powdered
flour, yeast
oats, barley, popcorn, dry peas
condiments: mayo, ketchup, mustard, bbq sauce, relish, salad dressing
peanut butter
cake mixes and frostings

Remember:  these are not the things we eat on a regular basis.  These are the parts and pieces for emergency/flexible eating.
We incorporate these items into our eating plan so that we may replenish and nothing goes to waste.

Food storage odds and ends

I collect those big plastic containers that chips, pretzels, animal cookies come in and that is what I keep my sugar, flour, oats, elbows, noodles in.  I am not hung up on glass containers so I am reusing  what I can get my hands on.
I have a chest freezer.  I keep water jugs in the bottom to take up space and in case of a power outage to provide solid chunks of ice in there.
I also use reusable shopping bags to organize all of the food.
I grow my own herbs and dry them.  I store them in zip lock bags in a closed closet.  They are supposed to be kept in the dark.

When I was planning my pantry years ago it seemed that all the information I found was either for doomsday preppers or tree hugging granolas.  I am neither.  It was frustrating.  I fall somewhere in the middle.  I just want to feel a certain level of food security.  I don't want to feel like we are one disaster away from the cupboard being bare.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

locating my pantry part 2

I have had a few different pantry locations over the years.

We lived in a house with a teeny, tiny kitchen, but the house had a basement (in new england its called a cellar)  which was dry.  bonus!

It was a perfect place to create my pantry.  I purchased metal shelving at the home improvement store and installed it along about twenty feet of the cellar wall. The metal shelving was the cheapest option at the time, however we had to be careful about weight distribution.  All of our dry storage, canned goods, and paper products were stored here. 

 At that time I estimated that we had about 4-6 months food stored for our family of five.  It was a very good feeling.  Our stores were always being used and replenished, especially when the grocery ran sales on items we used. 

Then we moved into a house with no cellar!  Our kitchen has a lot of cabinet (in new england they are called cupboards) space and a closet.  I decided to add shelves to the closet and hung a wire shelf unit on the inside of the door.  This closet can hold a lot of stuff, but it was still too small for serious food storage.  

 I purchased a large plastic shelf unit from the home improvement store.  I think it was 4 feet wide, 2 feet deep, and had 5 shelves.  I located it in a corner of the family room and bought fabric to make a cover for it so that it would blend into the room.  That  pantry could hold a surprisingly large amount of stuff!  Not nearly as much as in the cellar pantry, but enough so I had some security in the event of an ice storm or other disruption.

When we became empty nesters, the pantry moved into a closet in a spare bedroom.  This about doubled the size of our pantry.  We are able to keep our food stored in there, paper products, and emergency water jugs.  It is not as convenient as it could be, but what's a few extra steps each day?

Since it's just the two of us we still do try to keep the pantry well stocked.  I would estimate that we could store a few months worth of food in that pantry.  

Next up:  what is in my pantry?

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Keeping a food storage pantry part 1

My food storage pantry would fall into the category of a Working Pantry.
The primary functions of my pantry are:

*To give me a level of comfort in my ability to provide meals going forward for a period of time.
 In the event of a natural or national emergency we will have enough food on hand.  We will not need to panic!

When that winter rain turns into days of freezing rain, when an early or late snowstorm dumps heavy, wet snow on the trees and power lines, I don't have to run to the store for "bread and milk"

While I pray that we never have a national emergency, it is still a real possibility.

Sickness or job loss/change in finances are a few other life episodes that could have you relying on your pantry for a while.

*To give me flexibility and convenience in our meals.

By having dry goods and canned goods on hand I can create a meal quickly or just open a can and eat.  A lot of these foods are prepared convenience foods.  They have been chosen because they can be opened and prepped with little effort. Remember:  these are MY choices.

Think:  a winter power outage, open a can of chili, vegetable, and mix up some corn muffin mix--pop them onto the wood stove and you EAT!

Think:  unexpected company and you don't have anything planned for a meal.  Cook up some rice, beans, tomatoes, veggie, or a pasta salad, or spaghetti!

Think:  You've had an exhaustively long day or you just aren't feeling well.  Husband is hungry.  He knows how to operate a can opener!  Dinner is served!

*To give me a place to stock up on sale items/special deals.

If the grocery store has pasta on sale for 50 cents a lb, buy lots!!!
The same goes for toilet paper, veggies, coffee.........if you have a designated spot to store dry goods then you can more easily spend less money on food every year.

Next up.......where to locate a food storage pantry

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Home/Garden/Personal Goals for 2017

I joined a group on facebook that focuses on learning new skills each month.  Assignment number one is to make a Goals list of 3 or 5 or 10 goals for the year 2017.  I already had a few goals lists written down here and there, so I pulled them all together into one place.  Turns out I have 20!

here they are in no particular order:

1.  Buy a book on sugaring (already on my amazon wish list) and begin to create a plan and assemble what is needed to start tapping some trees and getting me some maple syrup!

2.  Expand my garden into an area we have cut the trees down a couple of times.  I'm going to try sheet composting right on the rooty rocky ground.

3.  Build a hugelkulture (sp?) bed on the upper front lawn.  This seems like a wonderful possibility for our rocky, thin soil.

4.  Start some annual flowers from seed this year.  I need to plant tons in order to encourage more bee activity here in the deep woods.

5.  Grow more herbs--learn more aboutusing herbs and tinctures.

6.  Plan a greenhouse to be built over two of the raised beds in my garden.

7.  Learning to draw!  continue to work on this.  I have written a bunch of kids stories and i really want to get them illustrated and printed out.  then I can learn to bind my own books! 

8.  Buy a dehydrator.  I had one 20 years ago and sold it at a yard sale when I lost interest.  Stupid move.  I could really use one now.

9.  Complete more sewing projects.  nothing specific.

10.  Organize all of our photos into  photo boxes (already purchased & already set up in the dining room)  --i've begun this project.

11.  Lose weight.  This has been on my goal list for 30 years.  Well, no, longer than that.  I am 56 and have always said I was happy being fat and fit.  But the fit part is getting harder the older I get.  I'm happy with the fact that I learned to not get fatter!  I recently bought the Trim Healthy Mama book and reactivated MyfitnessPal.  I have a fitbit on my amazon wishlist.

12.  Hike more!  The last few years my sciatica has been awful (it's lots better! it seems driving makes it worse and since I stopped working in Sept. I don't hardly drive!)  I also injured my achilles tendon last spring so we didn't do one hike in 2016.  That also is better now.

13.  Build up my pantry again!  I need to get a better list going and spend more time weekly searching out the best prices on items for my pantry.  In conjunction with this I also want to work on a meal list again.

14.  Seek out more local foods.  Do more shopping at the various farmers markets.

15.  Spend less money!  I really don't want to go back to work, so I must get back to my frugal roots.  I need to work on a list of things that can be done to cut back, post them and keep at it.

16.  Build an arbor and plant grapes.

17.  Be very hands-on with the homeschooling of grandsons.

18.  work on plans for a new workshop/storage out back.

19.  Make decisions and have a firm plan in place for next winter to partially renovate the kitchen.  New bottom cabinets on one wall, new sink, all new countertops, paint, new flooring, and potentially build a movable island I can use for baking.  

20.  Paint the master bedroom and lay a wood laminate floor.  (the paint has been purchased and we are going to check out the laminate tomorrow)

ok, I lied, I have....

21.  Put a new roof on the house.

I know this looks like a lot, but I think it's all very doable since many of them are just "plan" things. 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

What's going on?

it's been a while since i just wrote about life around here.
so here goes.........

it's winter.  lately it's been cold, then its not so cold.  then it snows, then it rains, then it snows again.  that pretty much sums up winter weather on the maine coast!  i like the snow in the winter.  i don't like the rain in the winter.  especially on top of the snow.  we haven't gotten any big snowstorms yet, just a bunch of little ones.  we have had one frigid cold snap and now we are just entering another one.  they usually only last a few days around here.

it's been quiet on the wink. i even got to go ramble around in the snowy woods alone a couple of times this week.  so nice!  sometimes you have to make things be quiet on purpose.  you have to slow down and remind yourself that it is possible and very okay to enjoy quiet days alone; just the two of us.

things are going well in chicken land.  so far they are doing great with the cold and snow.  this morning i got up at 5 and went to check on them and the coop was about 12F and the outside temp was 3F.  i brought them water and scratch and turned on their light to get them moving and eating to stay warm.  they are about 8 months old now and i pretty consistently get an average of 56 eggs a week from the 9 birds.  it sounds like a lot of eggs, but in reality if we both eat 2 eggs per day that takes care of 28 of them!  then with baking and other recipes and maybe once a week giving the chickens a scrambled egg treat, we usually give away only about 18 each week.  we would give away more if people would remember to ask!

my other big project this winter is organizing my photos.  i've got a table set up in the dining room and enough bins or boxes to cover the years 1983-2016!  now i'm going through every loose photo and falling apart album, writing important info on the backs, weeding out blurry, dumb pics and organizing according to date.  then these neat little boxes will be condensed down and put on a shelf jeff has put up over the doorway in my craft room.

another ongoing project for me is lesson planning for my grandsons preschool homeschool.  i've stated before that i purchased Horizons preschool from Alpha Omega pub.  so far we love it.  my job is to plan out the lessons and assemble what momma needs to teach it.  the best part is that i will be able to use all of these lesson plans for all of the grands that will be homeschooled.  so i only have to do each grade once!  i love doing it!

i'm hoping to get a new camera soon so i can add pics to my blog!  my camera of 8 years finally stopped working, and as i am also pretty newly not working also (lol)  it is hard for me (even harder for me)  to spend money on myself.  but i really miss having a camera!

so i'm still trying to figure out where i'm going with this blog and what the purpose is.  i just feel compelled to keep on keeping on.  i have been blogging since i moved to maine 12 years ago.  i'm a xanga misfit, i loved the xanga blog!  i've had this one now for 3 or so years and i just need to spend more time on it and less time on facebook.  that is my goal for 2017!

well, until next time!

Monday, January 2, 2017

i am washed by the water

this may be all over the place.  just a warning.

what i really want to write about, what i really feel an intense need to write about....is....gah!!!!!
see?!  the topic i want to write about is so complicated, yet simple.  so personal, yet universal.  so layered, yet of single, epic importance!

the title of this post should be

Men who won't spiritually lead their families and the generational consequences that could have.

that title is too long.....so i chose the other one

i've been having struggles lately......heck....i've been having struggles my whole stinking life.

and it all comes down to....

you got it!

Men who won't spiritually lead their families and the generational consequences that could have.


i've been struggling lately.  a few days ago I felt God telling me to write out psalm 119.  it took me days.  it's long.  go look it up!  i never gave up.  the message was clear.  put nothing before God.  nothing.  no one.  nothing.

sometimes i wonder if i do whats right.  if i stand for what is right.  i have no doubts.  God is clear with me.  i just gotta listen.

even when the rain comes, even when the flood starts rising, even when the storms come, i am washed by the water.  even if the earth crumbles under my feet, even if the ones i love turn around and crucify me. i won't never ever let you down.  i won't fall, i won't fall, i won't fall as long as your around me.  (needtobreathe)

so this post may have just been a preview of a much deeper conversation about christian men and their responsibility before God to protect their families, physically and spiritually.  it may be a preview of a much deeper conversation about being a church goer giving you an extremely false sense of spiritual security.
