Tuesday, September 13, 2016

don't call me Miss Karen

Do you allow children to call you by your first name?

It's time to correct the wrongs committed by my generation.  When I was a child in the 1960's, I don't recall ever calling any adult by their first name.  It was Aunt, Uncle, Mr. Mrs.  It was respectful.  It's what you were taught to do.

Then the 1970's came along with all of the so -called "freedoms" and the respect went right out the window.  some people even went so far as to use first names with their parents!!

When my generation started their families, it became popular to call neighbors, babysitters, teachers, nearly every adult in a child's life by their first names.  I think some people thought it respectful to teach their kids to say "Miss Karen" instead of "Mrs. Smith".  It's not.

Living in the North, we were not raised to say "ma'am" and "sir".  I'm not sure why we weren't taught that way, but it is kind of sad.

I would like to see my grandchildren taught to speak respectfully to all adults and to not use their first names.  This is a little off-topic, but I don't like the habit of giving titles to people.  An example would be calling people "aunt" or "uncle"  when they are not related.  This is confusing to children.

I also would like to see my grandchildren speak to adults using the titles "ma'am" and "sir"  We teach them to say "please" and "thank you"  Let's teach them to use respectful titles when speaking to their elders. If we require it when they are young, then it will become habit.

It's not to late to start this!  This current generation is ready and willing to learn!

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