Thursday, July 11, 2013


i closed down my xanga site today.
i know it will just be a matter of adjusting for a few weeks and then this blog will feel like home.
there were so many people who couldn't understand leaving xanga altogether.
i guess those are the kind of people who like to keep a car for 20 years or more.
i kinda get tired of my car around the ten year mark and yearn for something new.
so if i only do that with blogs and cars i think i'll be okay

downeast maine has been a bit cloudy and a bit showery the past few days with highs in the low 70's.
today feels to be a bit more warm and humid, forecast is for sun/clouds/showers/80's.

my daughter in love, sarah, went for her first ultrasound yesterday and all is well. due date is 2nd half of february, but with ethan she was 2 weeks early.

that makes all three girls expecting at the same time.  just the thought of that is exhausting to me. but i am over the moon and ready to take on the challenge of being bubby to five bundles of joy!  i am as hands-on a grandma as i can be without actually moving in with them all!!! 

that means a lot of money on gas (thankfully they all live within a couple miles of each other and thats just 14 miles away) 

and a lot of time spent in the car (my best praise time is in the car ,by the way, listening to k-love radio)

and a lot of time cleaning (because i'm ocd and can't help myself, and they don't mind, so i've just decided to go with it)

honestly though, we are only 2 years new to this empty nest thing and i've got to find the time to devote more to my relationship with jeff (30 years and going strong)  or we stand to get lost in grandchildren the same way we lost ourselves in the kids while they were growing up.  definitely going to work on that!!!

*working through Hosea in my bible study.  really random, relevant stuff there!
*cooking-planning lots of yummy stuff for ethans party on saturday--i'll share when i do a birthday post
*crafting--taking a little break this week between doing for ethans party and starting for joeys 2nd and julie's baby shower.
*cleaning--with the weather flip flopping we were getting some ants in the house. especially during the real hot weather last week, so i deep cleaned the floor and cabinets and sprayed in a few spots. now they are gone.  ants are just a reminder to keep a cleaner house.

blessings from downeast maine!!!!


  1. Hi Karen! So glad to see you post! I too closed down my Xanga this week and felt a simultaneous rush of relief over closing a long chapter of my blogging life, and the excitement that comes with starting afresh. Kinda like the beginning of a new school year or something like that... maybe better. Anyway, I am new to the concept of Google circles, but am willing to try sometime soon, after I master more of the tricks of Blogspot. Have a blessed and restful and happy remainder of July. Keeping you and yours in my prayers. Love in Jesus - Chris

  2. Hey, I can comment here. Woo hoo. Thanks.
    Daughter in love, love that.
    I agree with you. My husband and I will be married 30 years come July 30th and though we don't have grandchildren yet (none of our guys are married) we are finding we need to carve out time for ourselves. The two boys at home now are old enough to take care of themselves. ;-)
    Cant' wait to see the things you are working on ;-) hugs,

  3. Yeah for you. Sounds like you are working up a storm. So excited for you and the new little ones. My only child, Nina, is getting married this fall. So I don't have any babies to spoil. I tend to adopt the ones whose mothers let me hold and rock them. Would love to have grandchildren, but we will see what happens. Daughter is 38 and the baby-clock is ticking. She would love to have children. I am just so happy that she has found someone to love and share her life with her.

  4. Wow! Three new babies all right together! You are going to be one busy lady! I keep popping back over to Xanga to see who is left hanging around, and if they are getting anywhere near their goal. But I don't hold out much hope for it staying up, or going to 2.0. I'm kinda glad I restarted my blog. I've 'met' lots of new online friends in just the short month or so I've been over at wordpress. Should have done this years ago.
