Tuesday, January 7, 2014

blogging ?

i keep thinking....."i gotta update, i gotta update, i gotta update!"

i read these other blogs and they are full of wonderful photos (expensive cameras)

and interesting text.

or they are full of "what i did today"

and then i go all ADD on myself and can't think straight enough to even write about my day, week, month. 

funny, huh?

some days i'm falling apart and i read some blogs and they make me feel better,  or

i read some blogs and i start cursing the person out and saying stuff like "it must be nice to be so 

fing perfect"   (i'm being real here)

i started blogging 9 years ago.  what interested me then?  just knowing that there were others who had

lives similar to mine because it seemed like when you actually know people, like coworkers or the

woman down the road--everyone hides behind a mask.  me too!

that's what i love about my online friends.   no masks.  we can be who we are.

in a book i'm reading this morning i read this:

God created us to be social beings who would crave belonging.

i also read about people being hurt by christians having the attitude that if you have negative,

unhappy feelings then you are not being like jesus.  i've lived with that and still do at times.  it is still

a hot topic in this household

jesus felt negative emotions.  being like jesus does not require that we ignore our negative feelings.

he relied on his father.... if we are Gods children then we are never alone, He is never closer than

when our hearts are aching.

here is a prayer i wrote out in my bible study time a few days ago

dear lord,

you know my fears, whether they be justified or not.
please help me to act on those things that i can control and to
focus on you Jesus to quiet my fears of the things i cannot control.

we are all in this together and there for each other!


  1. well, I got STARTED on the blogging, now I dont. My day now revolves round something else. I have nothing to share, nothing to throw out there for support or even a creative idea. I am the one now who reads blogs and such to make it thru **MY** day. I am craving that strength I can get from reading what others are going thru and that I am NOT alone. Right now, I feel so desperately alone~ even tho I am surrounded by people. Even me and Jimmy, we have ALWAYS had the focus of our marriage being first and most important to us. Now, we have had our lives spread so thin, theres no time for us. And if we do have alone time, we need sleep so bad. Trying to remember that this will pass, but just the day to day is such a struggle. The longings of my heart are DEMANDING peace and I aint finding it. O.o

    You know.....I think I just did "my blog" on yours!!!!

  2. Oh goodness! I have the same problem with blogging. In fact, I didn't tell everyone about my new blog because I felt like everyone else's was better. I would start to type a post and couldn't even get the first line started. Your blog (and April's, etc) are full of wonderful, thought inspiring posts and beautiful pictures. My blog is non-flowing, this is what I did blah, blah, blah. I started my blog as a diary to leave for my grandkids-I have to focus on that. I know I am not a good writer. Your blog is great and I enjoy reading it.
    I used to have nervous/anxiety problems really bad. I have been on medicine all my life. When we were taking care of my mom, we found out that gluten problems can cause alzheimer's. So we girls went gluten-free. It has helped my nerves unbelievably. I really feel for you. I read your posts and I have been there SO MANY times. I used to get panicy when there was very cold temps or snow--anything that made me feel a little out of control. I know this is long, but I want you to know I KNOW where you are coming from. I will be praying for you!!!! Have fun with the grandkids!!!

    1. Susan, I would LOVE to hear more about the gluten free helping your anxiety! Even if you message me privately!!

  3. So very true Karen. We ARE in this together.....
