Friday, September 23, 2016

civil unrest

I am pretty far removed from the civil unrest that seems to be plaguing the more populated areas of this country.  The state of Maine has a low minority population.  That is not why I moved here.  I moved here because it has a low population, white or otherwise!

I don't have any answers to the problems in this country, other than looking to God in prayer to guide us and help us.  Without the Holy Spirit guiding us in love we will be lost.  We will be guided by our own human thoughts and desires.

My thoughts on the whole police vs. black citizens issues are this:

we are seeing the results of a society that has turned its back on God.  Descriptions of such a society are in scripture.  We know it, we are seeing it.  If the majority of young people are educated in a public system that denies God, then we are going to reap the rotten fruit of a spiritless society.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying that every child that attends public schools will grow up to deny God.  But they will not have a strong enough faith to withstand the onslaught of false teachings and thoughts that exist in this world.  They will not be strong enough to not want to be like everyone else.  That is what we are seeing. Its sheep mentality.  Take one away and you can teach them.  When they are in a herd, they want to think like the herd.  This is truth.

Protesting?  I approve of peaceful protests that don't infringe on anyone else's right to peace.
Rioting, Looting, Destroying is not protesting.  It is anarchy.
It does nothing to further your cause.  It puts everyone else on edge and then it's inevitable that more lives will be lost.  Because of fear.  I can't say I can understand the fear a black person has.  I can't say I can understand the fear a police officer has.  They both have fear.  Both of their fears are justifiable.

I am your average "white" wife, mother, grandmother.  I home schooled.  I taught my children to respect authority.  I taught my children to work hard.  There are no really easy, good jobs here in our neck of the woods, but I taught them to work for what they wanted.  Do whatever it takes.  Any job. Just do it.  We could have given them anything they wanted.  But we didn't.  They had to earn it.  Their love and fear of God factors into everything they do.  They were never young people who ran amok.  I've never been inner city dirt poor so i don't have that perspective.  I've never been upper class white suburban either.  Those seem to be the two classes of people that are out there causing the violence.  The rest are just trying to keep on going, working and praying, black and white.  Just trying to protect their families.

If you want your "world" to be a certain way then you have to go out and "create" it.  If you create it by violence then it will be a violent world.  If you create it by serving God through loving your family and loving others and working hard to provide what is needed, then your world will be peaceful and orderly.

The choice is yours.

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