Home: Just when you think you have a plan for how your home should be......it will change! I have been planning on making my dining room into just a dining room. What was I thinking?! I was thinking of getting a few pieces of furniture (jelly cupboards) to store my serving pieces in (which are in totes in a closet at the moment) I've decided to get a piece of fitness equipment instead. That is what is going in the dining room because the room we use for fitness equipment (previously a bedroom) is full and we can't place it well in there. Health trumps fancy storage plain and simple. So I am going through stuff and what has no meaning is going to Goodwill. Hubby is building a really large bookshelf for me because the one I have is too small so I will utilize the very top shelves of that for some of the platters and serving pieces I use a lot. For now.
Crafting: I'm adding this category because I am a crafter! I dabble in a lot of different things. This week I went to Joann Fabrics and spent 2 hours walking around and deciding on a pattern (for baby granddaughter stuff) and fabrics for a few different sewing projects. This week we crafted these pumpkins from scrap wood. Hubby cut and sanded and I painted. We are a team on the wink!
Garden: Still picking green beans and some cucumbers. There are a few little pumpkins still growing and my dwarf sunflowers bloomed. Late, but then again I planted them late. I pruned my raspberries, transplanted some back into line and mulched heavily with straw. The blueberries got a heavy mulch of pine needles. I worked on my compost pile which is growing crazy since I got chickens because of the straw from the pen. I keep the pen nice and dry so I change out the straw weekly. Otherwise I've been doing some fall weeding in different flower beds. The leaves are changing and some are falling here in northern New England. I've been pulling up random plants that are done producing and feeding them to the chickens. They loved the squash plants! This way I will get the garden all cleaned up in bits and pieces.
Family: We had a family get together yesterday for our son's 30th birthday. This is my second child to hit this milestone age! His party was planned and executed by his wife. I didn't bake the cake, but I did get to frost the cupcakes. Ask me if I liked not being in charge of my son's birthday cake. I dare you! haha! We have six grandchildren, 5 of them being boys 2 1/2 to 5 years of age. I was ready to go home at the end of the party. I don't always hold my tongue when it comes to behaviors I see, I really was trying yesterday and I didn't always succeed. I have to remember that they are not my children and my input is not always welcome.
Home school: We had a picnic on Wednesday for our grandson's first official day of homeschooling. As I previously mentioned, I purchased the Horizons preschool curriculum from Alpha and Omega. I take their lesson plan and rewrite it into an outline for my daughter in law and son to follow. Then I assemble everything they will need to complete the lessons, crafts, activities, etc. I love doing this! It is a start and a learning process as we go along.

Work: This past week I only worked 10 hours! I loved it. This is what I want and I can't seem to get right now. The company I work for knows what I want, but we are always so short staffed. I usually work 20 hours a week, but this week I have 35 scheduled hours. I am going to try to whittle that down a bit to 30 and I am going to take lots of deep breaths.
Until next time!
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