Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day #22 little irritation

most cars now a days have a key fob thingy that locks and unlocks the doors.  i have one also.

my little irritation involves the beep that a car makes when someone hits the lock button on their fob.

that bothers me!!!!

especially if i am walking by or right next to the car.

first thing i did when i bought my car was to disable the beep.

it can be done.  look in the manual.

some people have said they know its locked if they hear the beep.


i hit the button when i'm standing right next to it and i hear that comforting "thunk" sound that lets me know its locked and doesn't bother anyone.

thanks for listening!


  1. We find our car in the crowded parking lot...where so many cars look the listening for the beep. Either that...or we would wander around for quite a while....trying to figure out where ours was!

    1. i hear ya, i have a smaller car in a world of suvs and huge pick up trucks!!! i've been known to hit the panic button for a bit in order to find it. i now tend to park really far away so i can see it.
