Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day #17 Church Etiquette

I was going to write a post about church etiquette, and then thought better of it.

it would just lead me into a judge-fest  (see post #8)

and i don't want to go there.

suffice it to say that it is what it is.

and it always will be.


have a nice day, maybe i'll have a better topic tomorrow.


  1. Good idea Karen. I think we all know what you are talking...or not talking...about. For me church is all about worship....wherever it is....at home or away. If I can't focus on God....then I might as well stay home. And that is all I'm going to say on that! By the way, I took a page from your book about being judgmental. I'm trying...and surprisingly...it is working. Funny what a change you can make when God is in the change! Amen.

    1. its hard though....that not judging thing....really hard.....
