Monday, June 19, 2017

A letter to my mom

I feel like I've let too much time pass without writing this.  I have heard that your eyesight is bad, so I know someone else will read this to you.

I've thought about calling you, but I can't put myself through all of that emotional upheaval again.  When we tried to work this out a few years ago, I came to see that it was all one sided.  When I stopped calling you--that was it.  I heard God's voice telling me to just let it be.

I just wanted to let you know that I think about you every day.  I pray for you every day too.  I'm sorry that Judy is gone.  I'm sorry that she hated me so much.  I'm sorry that no one ever understood why I moved away and I'm sorry that it felt like abandonment to you.

God called us here.  I'm sure of it.  Our future was waiting for us here.  Our future and our children's futures.  They are all happily married now to good Christian people; which is an answer to a lifetime of prayers.  And now we are in the midst of welcoming and helping to raise our grandchildren.  This summer we will have eight!  Seven grandsons and one granddaughter.  Each one is a blessing and I am honored to be a part of their lives.

It makes me sad that you are not part of this.  I know that my world is so foreign to you.  That's okay.

I am here if you ever decide to call and truly want to be a part of this.  If not, that is also okay.

God is guiding me and seeing me through.  I will always pray for you to find Him and the peace and joy that only He can give.

With love,

Your daughter,


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