all of the hoopla surrounding abortion is about the selling of the baby parts and pieces.
i know it is a foot in the door for the pro-life movement because now the attention is really on this horror that seems to have become our national past time. well, second national past time with sex obviously being the first. the third probably has something to do with sports.
but i digress......
whether the murdered babies are being sold, donated, buried or burned really makes no difference in light of the fact that THEY ARE BEING KILLED----THEIR BEATING HEARTS ARE BEING FORCEFULLY STOPPED!!!
let the lawyers wrangle and argue over the "legalities" i don't care about what the government or suzy q on the street corner thinks. wrong is wrong is wrong.
and abortion is WRONG.
i am pro-life in all instances concerning abortion. concerning the taking of innocent life.
in the case of rape or incest, which by the way it amuses me the way its always mentioned separately, pretty much incest is rape. anyway.....healing will never take place by committing murder. the baby that is sometimes produced in such cases DID NOTHING WRONG and does not deserve to die.
i've heard talk of late term abortion (shudder) being okay in instances of the life of the mother being at stake. we are talking about very rare cases indeed, maybe toxemia being one of the most common. i had toxemia. DELIVER THE FREAKING BABY!!!! that is a bogus arguement. DELIVER THE FREAKING BABY!! LET IT HAVE A CHANCE AT LIFE.
the truth here is that it is really just about getting rid of the inconvenience of a baby. a life.
another popular arguement is to abort, ahem! MURDER your child in the case of deformity or possible intellectual and physical disabilities. this is always promoted as being in the best interest of the child. really? kill me now. i have no potential. i'm not perfect like my mother.
i know that there are many christians who say they are pro-life but condone murdering innocent babies in these cases i've mentioned.
YOU ARE WRONG. and God is watching.
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