they like to call it a "love" issue.
if you are against people loving one another, then you are a hater.
heck, even Jesus preached a message of "love one another".
so christians, how can you believe that it is wrong to "love one another" ?
well.....we can believe that it is wrong, in regards to homosexuality, because it's not about love.'s about sex.
it's about what scripture says is normal, natural, God designed
as opposed to what man says is normal or man designed.
(now don't make me quote scripture here. we all know it's there)
it's about what scripture tells us is wrong, ungodly, detestable.
('s in there)
no one in scripture ever came right out and asked Jesus about sexual relations between the same sex because they already knew the answer. duh. (sodom and gomorrah were real to them)
so, if today, in 2015, Jesus came back and we could ask Him to elaborate His thoughts on this topic, He would give us His answer, probably in a parable which would refer us back to the scriptures.
(again, we all know which ones, don't make me quote.....but i will if asked to nicely)
He would tell us to "love one another" and not to judge or condemn anyone, while at the same time He would tell us to avoid sin and the appearance of sin. and.........................
..........................homosexuality is a sin.
yup...................lumped in there with lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, murder, drunkenness, and other sexual sins. sin comes in many forms and lust for the same sex is one of them.
then there is the woman at the well. the adulterer. a sin. Jesus told her that He did not condemn her. He was paying the penalty for her sins because He loved her.
then He told her to "GO AND SIN NO MORE."
you see, it's not a LOVE issue. it's a self control issue. sex was designed by God as a means to create a family and bond it together.
our sinful natures have made it into everything and anything anyone wants it to be.
do I judge the homosexual? in the biblical sense? do I condemn them? in other words.....
am I deciding their fate for all eternity? no, i'm not.
God is the judge and all will be judged and either condemned or redeemed based on their faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
can I be saved through Jesus from eternal punishment and still sin? yes, i can.
therefore.................a homosexual can be saved, however, they will have to falsely interpret or totally disregard scripture if they want to continue being unrepentant of that sin. this will lead to them suffering in body and spirit and also potentially causing others (christians) to stumble in their walk.
if they remain unrepentant and militant, and prideful regarding their sin, then their salvation must be questioned and their theology considered false.
these are the most dangerous people because they can lead others astray in the name of Christ.
should we as Christians LOVE all people? yes.
should we follow them blindly and quietly down a path of destruction? no.
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