Sunday, February 16, 2014


My laptop died and i bought a kindle fire hd 8.9.  Which partially explains my lack of updates. I'm a typer and need a keyboard!  I will be getting another laptop in a couple months :).
I've also welcomed my fifth grandson last sunday. Calvin jeffrey smith. Beautiful and healthy! I am very busy with all of my boys!
February has still been pretty cold and snowy, but not too bad. The temps are supposed to come up a bit this week to 20s f or lows and high 30s fr highs . I'm looking forward that.
I've been horrible with my walking, and i havent been eating as well as i should
Pretty boring, huh?    Heh heh heh....just the w a y i like it!


  1. Been missing you on here. Congrats on the new grandson. I am going to be a grandmother for the first time ....July...and it's a boy. I have one daughter, Nina, who was married to Matt in September. They live in NYC where she works for the magazine Everyday with Rachael Ray as the food editor. Busy mom to be. That's for sure. They have a small apt. in Brooklyn so they are looking for a bigger place to rent..hopefully out of the city. Anyway...that's my BIG news.

    1. That is awesome! Wonderful news! You will love being gramma :)

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