Sunday, September 29, 2013

family memories

yesterday was julies baby shower. 26 women and 5 children. in my little house.
but it worked. everyone had a good time
julie was happy.
thats what i was going for

her and ben were blessed with so many wonderful gifts
but more importantly time was spent with family and friends
and i was able to feed all of these people, plus the 8 men when they came back from their hiking--without stressing--i had a good time too!

and i couldn't have done it without my daughter in laws meghan and sarah. i thank them for helping me make the day special for julie

i had a lot of fun planning and crafting for this with pinterest for inspiration

                                                                  bubby & grammy
now we just sit back and wait for the babies to come
meghan is due on oct.24th.  everyone seems to think that baby lukas will come a bit earlier.
family is everything.


  1. You are such an inspiration, Karen! Here's to you! If this were Xanga, I would give you a mini today for being such a great mom and Bubby! Sharing your joy and that of your family! I look forward to more blogging from you in the future. Have been praying for you all. God bless you, Kiddo. In Jesus, Chris

  2. That pompom decoration looked familiar. My daughter made them in blue and white for her wedding decorations....they looked great. congrats on the babies. I know you are thrilled.

  3. I have a hard on for the pretty lady on the left
