Tuesday, August 27, 2013

end of august already?

well i'm not going to lament that summer is over (or almost over) because we still have weeks of summer left.  but the goldenrod is blooming in full force and the crickets are chirping away and the sun is at that slightly tilted angle that makes the light look a little bit lazy.  the garden is winding down, but the cherry tomatoes are finally ripening! do i want to say that the colors in the leaves are already changing?  walking out back and along the driveway the early signs of fall are definitely there.  and the wood splitting is going full swing

grampa giving joey his first lesson in splitting and stacking

we had a new furnace installed this summer and we switched from oil to propane.  its a high efficiency forced hot air unit.  it should cost us way less to run, plus no worries about the oil line freezing up in the winter, or ever having to clean up an oil spill. nice!  so this winter we are hoping to not rely on the wood as much as we have been, but we'll still keep a couple cords ready.  once jeff is done splitting this wood (the trees were cut last fall and have been drying) then we will start cutting trees for next winters wood.  we plan on cutting less and i've got my eye on quite a few that are casting early morning shade on my garden, then we'll go further out back and pick up where we left off last year.

this summer ethan turned one and we had a party at his house.  "batman" was the theme and i went a bit crazy with pinterest projects! but it was fun and i love to create

this summer also saw joey turn two and we also relied heavily on pinterest for decoration and activity ideas for his "art" party.

now i'm throwing myself into planning for my daughter julies baby shower.  i've got all my ideas pinned and i'll be shopping tomorrow for all i need to make the decorations.  i'm trying to keep it simple, that's hard for me, but i've already been accepting offers of help--so thats a great improvement for me!

well, i have today all to myself and i want to make the most of it, but i also want to just "be" and enjoy this summer day.  here in maine summer doesn't end until the snow flies!

Friday, August 16, 2013

baby boys!

Grandchild #4 is a boy!!!

julie had her ultrasound on wednesday and its a boy!!

charles gordon burrows

that makes 4 grandsons!

julie and meghan having fun
my three pregnant girls
julie in the center
sarah on left doesn't know what shes having yet
meghan on right is due in october and is having a boy, Lukas
bubby is happy.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

being positive

always moving forward.
trying to be positive
life is what YOU make it
not what others try to make it for you.


august in downeast maine is usually one of the top 3 months of the year. bugs are usually gone, sunny days, cool nights.  its been a wet summer so far, wetter than normal but not horribly dreary. and i'm still getting bit by black flies and mosquitos.

it is a beautiful morning here after a cold night.  i think it got down into the upper 40's.  but its supposed to be around 80 today.  i have no where i need to go today, and for that i am thankful.

breakfast is done, jeffs gone to work, laundry is started and some vacuuming done. now i'm enjoying my 2nd cup of coffee.

i guess i'm sticking with this blog being a glimpse into my life.  someone might wonder what its like to live in a double wide on six acres in the middle of the woods somewhere along the coast of maine. they also might be curious how others are coping/enjoying having an empty nest and enjoying their ever-growing families.

what are we doing? what are we cooking? what are we crafting?  some of us may still be in the midst of homeschooling, others finished, and others like me planning the schooling of the next generation.

i guess this blogs about sharing. 

i'm curious about what its like to live in other parts of this great country.  i like to find out what other like - minded people are up to.  and i like having a connection with others that i can't have any other way.  i've made some really good friends (on xanga) that mean the world to me, and i've never even met them.  someday i hope to!

anyway, if you are just happening upon this blog, welcome!!!  i'm going to try to be upbeat and optimistic from this point on. however, i am human, and at times have my trials and need to get it out, so that may happen too!

if you are an old friend, thanks for caring and reading my blog. i'm trying to keep up with others blogs, the ones on blogspot are easier than the ones on wordpress, and i'm gone from xanga altogether.

gotta go! lots of stuff on my to do list today : organize and clean cabinets in the mud room, walk minimally two miles, weed my garden and see whats ready to be picked today, and do some crafting; right now i'm working on my daughters baby shower invitations.

have a great day!