Wednesday, June 19, 2013

finding the time to figure everything out.

i've decided that i have to abandon xanga.
even if they survive, they are going to a wordpress format.
i hate wordpress.
i've been journaling all my stuff: gardening, home, cooking, but it hasn't made it here.
mostly because i've still been updating my xanga.
there is nothing on xanga that i want to save. but i want those posts to go away, so i've been reading and deleting.
then i'll do one last post and be done.
hopefully by then i'll know what i want this one to look like.
i've been busy with my babies & planning a batman birthday party for ethans first birthday.
i'll definitely post about that.
so much going on. and the weather being glorious.
who wants to stay inside and type.
the lupines are a bloomin'!!

(btw, i updated my wordpress garden journal and could not get a pic to load, and this pic here just loaded very easily)


  1. Hi, Karen! What a lovely picture of the lupines! I'm looking for (and *finding*) the silver lining to the Xanga demise cloud, and actually am enjoying learning Blogger's ways. I've been outdoors in the yard a lot the past week, too. But, we're getting rain (thunderstorms worthy of building an ark) for the next several days, so I am going to bake some brownies, brew some French Roast coffee, and enjoying the blogging ride. Hoping and praying you and your dear ones will have a lovely weekend! - Chris

  2. I too have had a lot of trouble with WordPress. I started a blog there and abandoned it. I am really into BlogSpot now. Feeling at home. Still a few odds and ends to figure out. I learn by doing...may take some time. Will try to check in with you and the 'others' who jumped from Xanga more regularly. But as you said....I am too busy to sit and type. Bear with me. I have not forgotten anyone. My best to all of happy that the new babies are coming. Keep us posted.

  3. I'm having a bit of a rough time learning all the new stuff I need to do over at WordPress to make things work for me, but so far I'm doing alright over there. Hope you start blogging again somewhere. I loved looking at your garden, and all the regular stuff too.

    Leaving here for CO next week. Not sure if we're going to be ready or not, but this house is sold, so we *have* to be ready! :-D Hope you are doing well!

  4. How do I follow your blog here?

  5. It's a lot more confusing for me here than at xanga..I don't know how to keep up with people's blogs here. HELP. ;-)
